Azad4wd Admin February 28, 2023

Car owners who purchase the Mahindra Thar show a tendency of swapping out the original headlights and installing LED lights. This modification is a very popular one as most car enthusiasts tend to go for this as soon as they get their car.

Are you planning to change the headlights for Thar and install LED lights? Here are a few things to consider before making the decision:

  1. While it is a good idea to replace the original bulbs in the Mahindra Thar headlight, it is advisable to stick with the headlamp bulb type and the recommended wattage. Try not to introduce aftermarket relays and splice wires trying to modify the headlights.
  2. The LED lights can be the best headlight for Thar if you can get a pair of warm complexion. You can pair this up with alternate white plus amber fog lamps for the best results.
  3. The LED lights stay more than the halogen bulb and assist you for a longer time in your off-road journey.
  4. If you want an LED Thar jeep headlight, consider getting the best one in the market. These are both available in the Indian market but also can be imported.

Sure, LEDs have their advantages. After all, where else would you get the premium look and gorgeous appearance of an LED headlight?

However, if you’re planning to drive a lot in hilly regions or the weather in your city can frequently be foggy and misty, you should be careful with switching between high-beam and low-beam LED headlamps.


However, the tendency to simply ignore the functionality and go for the appearance is an outdated one, and can often be dangerous. Ill-informed decisions regarding car headlights can cause dangerous accidents, even claiming lives. Whatever choice you make, be sure to be well-informed before deciding on anything.

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